Sunday 18 November 2012

Christmas comes to school!

Do you remember all the christmas stuff you made at school? Maybe you still hang them on the tree, or maybe your house is already full of your children's homemade decorations?

Well, why not relive these days by making your own calendar or getting some kids together to make them. Some very lucky primary school kids in my town are now making their very own versions of my favourite advent calendar after I showed them to my friend who's a teacher.

I sent along some half finished calendars so they could see the process of how to make them and they were so excited! They all brought in their cereal boxes ready for action! I'm really looking forward to seeing what creations they make, who knows, maybe I'll get some inspiration for new ideas from it.

Do you know any kids that would enjoy getting all messy and creating their own special advent calendar? Or maybe your partner would love a tailored, unique gift for the run up to christmas? Please feel free to send me an ideas or requests and I will see if I can create something to your liking :-)

and hopefully I will be able to show you the wonderful creations from the school kids soon!

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