Tuesday 6 November 2012

So Christmas is on it's way and if you're anything like me, you'll be wanting to get into the spirit of things straight away, and there's nothing better than making your own advent calendar!

Like many of us now, I like to get a little treat each day but am bored of the standard piece-of-choc calendars. There is also a crazy amount of sewn advent calendars out there, with pockets that you can fill, but you just don't get the satisfaction of popping open the little box to see what treat is behind.

Also, crafts aren't crafts without getting a but sticky, so I choose papier-mâché! You can also make fun 3D advent calendars this way with some imagination!

I started making papier-mâché advent calendars years and years ago and have made all sorts from pretty 2D shapes to miniature VW vans where the sweets are hidden in the windows and wheels!

They're fun to do, you can make any shape you like and can fit in whatever sweets you like and are also a great way to recycle old cereal boxes and news papers.

Im planning on making bags of them in the next weeks and I'll show you how to make a variety of shapes and sizes.

Of course I appreciate that these guys can take some time, something many of us don't have much of, so I'll also have some extras available for sale, ideal as a gift for a unique person.

Happy mâché-ing!!

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